4 ways you can help guard your kids from COVID 19
1.Guard them with open correspondence
An authentic discourse with your youngsters approximately who they communicate with and how to maintain secure from COVID 19. Ensure they realize the estimation of type and robust cooperation and that means, prejudicial or improper contact is rarely satisfactory. On the occasion that your kids enjoy any of these, urge them to let you know or a confided in grown-up right away. Be alert if your youngster has all the earmarks of being disturbed or clandestine with online exercises or on the off chance that they are encountering digital harassing.
2. Use innovation to secure them
Keep webcams shrouded when not being used. Be careful of free online instructive assets. Your kid ought to never need to give a photograph or their complete name to utilize these assets. Make sure to check the security settings to limit the facts assortment. Help your youngster figure out how to keep individual information private, mainly from outsiders.

Make open doors to your kid to have sheltered and wonderful on-line connections with companions, family and you. Associating with others is a higher priority than any time in the latest memory proper now and this will be a brilliant open door to demonstrate consideration and compassion in your “virtual collaborations”.
Numerous computerized assets from solid associations like UNICEF and the World Health Organization are accessible for you and your kid to find out about the infection together.
Invest energy with your kid to distinguish age proper applications, games and other online amusement.
4. Empower sound online propensities
Advance and screen great conduct on the web and video calls. Urge your kids to be benevolent and conscious to schoolmates, to be aware of what garments they wear and to abstain from joining video calls from a room.
As youngsters invest more energy on the web, they can be presented to all the more publicizing that may advance unfortunate nourishment, sexual orientation generalizations or age-improper material. Assist them with perceiving on the web advertisements and utilize the chance to investigate together what’s going on with a portion of the negative informing you see.
Urge your youngster to exploit advanced instruments that get them up and moving, as online exercise recordings for children and computer games that require physical development.
Make sure to adjust online entertainment with disconnected exercises, including time outside, if conceivable.
Youngsters may react to worry in various manners. Regular reactions incorporate experiencing issues dozing having torment in the stomach or head, and being on edge, pulled back, irate, tenacious or on the other hand hesitant to be disregarded. React to youngsters’ responses steadily and disclose to them that they are ordinary responses to an anomalous circumstance. Tune in to their interests and set aside an effort to comfort them and give them friendship, console them they’re sheltered and acclaim them now and again. On the off chance that conceivable, make open doors for kids to play and unwind. Keep normal schedules and calendars as much as could reasonably be expected, particularly before they rest, or help make new ones out of another condition. Give age-proper realities about what has occurred, clarify what is happening and give them clear models on what they can do to help shield themselves as well as other people from disease. Offer data about what could occur in a consoling manner. For instance, if your youngster is feeling debilitated and remaining comfortable or the emergency clinic, you could state, “You have to remain at home the medical clinic since it is more secure for you and your companions. I realize it is hard (perhaps frightening or in any event, exhausting) on occasion, however, we have to adhere to the standards to guard ourselves as well as other people. Things will return to typical soon.”